Christmas is approaching and somehow not everything has returned to normal yet. But we definitely don’t want to let that get us down. Here are five pre-Christmas activities you can do in Cologne.
1. ice skating at Heumarkt
The classic pre-Christmas activity. Grab your skates and off you go. There’s enough space for everyone, as the rink is 1800 square meters in size. And after a mulled wine or two, the whole thing works much better.
2. go on a mulled wine hike
Mulled wine hikes have been a trend since last year. No wonder, because they are so much fun. This year, hikes with different stops are being offered in Südstadt, Ehrenfeld, the city center, Sülz/Klettenberg and Rodenkirchen. So, grab a few friends and set off on one of the fun hikes.
3. petting cute animals in the Lindenthal zoo
The city park in Lindenthal is perfect for a wonderful winter walk. And the highlight is the Lindenthaler Tierpark, where you can pet super cute animals. From goats to donkeys and cattle, there are all kinds of animals here. The 2G rule applies in the park.
You can find all the information here.
4. feast at the Christmas market
What would the pre-Christmas period be without a visit to the Christmas market. And Cologne has so many to offer. Highlights include the Cologne Harbour Christmas Market, the Market of Angels on Neumarkt and the Santa Claus Village on Rudolfplatz. Let’s get there.
5. marvel at the Christmas lights
There are several places in Cologne where you can marvel at beautiful Christmas lights. These include the beautiful Wolkenburg, Roncalliplatz at Cologne Cathedral, Schildergasse, Neumarkt, 4711 House and many more. Our favorite place is and remains the Wolkenburg. If you want to find even more places, you should take a look here.